About Us

The Winemaker

Paul Jackson is the creative force behind Loverman Wines. Paul graduated Viticulture and Oenology with Honours at the University of Adelaide after a mis-spent decade travelling the world chasing harvest from North to South. A first generation winemaker, he started as a cellarhand at age 18 and set about gaining as much real world experience as possible.

Over 18 vintages under the belt, Paul has worked in McLaren Vale South Australia, Sonoma California, The Mosel Germany, Margaret River Australia, Okanagan Valley Canada and Alentejo and Douro Valley in Portugal. 

He has settled for now in the Adelaide Hills to pursue his vision of creating exciting modern wines using traditional techniques and old world know-how from the myriad terroirs and micro-climates of the Adelaide Hills. 

The Craft

Over years and miles of practice and blending an understanding of modern winemaking with Old World experience and knowledge, a vision of technique has emerged that forms the backbone of the Loverman Wines philosophy.

 It comes down to practise, knowing the vineyards and the fruit and keeping things simple.

No ferments larger than 5 tones allows us to work every parcel by hand and gives flexibility in building complexity through blending of different parcels from the same vineyard.

Using gravity in the winery where possible, particularly prior to ferment as must pumps are essentially another crusher.

Allowing the wines to ferment naturally using the yeast naturally present on the grape. As long as the fruit is good, there isn’t a need to add a lab produced yeast strain to a parcel of fruit. If the fruit isn’t good, we won’t use it for any Loverman wines. Simple as that.

Timing of harvest. Picking grapes when flavour ripe while retaining natural acidity is difficult in Australia, but we won’t push grapes to ripen at the expense of natural acidity. As we use minimal sulfur in the winery, we might use a small amount of tartaric acid to control the pH.

Wines are all bottled un-fined and unfiltered.